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Bans & Behaviorial Conduct

donalds-emotionsBefore we fully release user profiles for everyone; please take a moment to read our guidelines for expected behavior.

Note: this is not a complete list of rules but suggestions for how to best keep out of trouble.

  • Don’t attack authors or we’ll ban you. Don’t attack authors or ask mods to unban your friends.  You will be banned too.
  • Don’t be a jerk. Treat others as you like to be treated.  Treat others badly then no cookies for you.  Treat others kindly then cookies for everyone.
  • Don’t harass others. No hateful comments whether racial, sexual, or religious.  If you don’t have something nice to say then shutup ^_^
  • Don’t promote illegal activity. Yes, we all love pirated music, but please don’t discuss it in ourgemcodes.  Or else your booty will be ours, arrrg.
  • Don’t ask for gifts. It doesn’t make for good conversation and it’s rude. We don’t have infinite moneys :(
  • Don’t be excessively vulgar, abusive, or annoying. There’s a difference between, “Darn, I suck at this game” and “Damn, you suck at life.”  Minimal use of swear words is allowed.  Extreme profanity will automatically be censored by our chat filter and active moderators may not be as forgiving.
  • Don’t feed the trolls. If someone is acting in an inappropriate manner, please leave the situation up to a moderators online.  Please do not “fight back” or get drawn into an argument.  That’s why they’re doing it in the first place — to get a reaction.
  • Don’t spam. Please do not spam the chat by repeatedly sending the same message over and over.  Don’t spam comments for posts, either.  Spam is gross.
  • Don’t link to inappropriate material. We know there are other websites out there, and some of them are pretty awesome.  We have no problem with users sharing links, as long as they’re not pornographic or inappropriate.  Also, spamming referral links will not be tolerated.
  • Choose your username and avatar wisely. Offensive usernames and obscene, pornographic, or seizure-inducing avatars will not be tolerated.  Account names that are created purely to antagonize other users (“SkyeISgayLMAO”) will be banned permanently without warning.

Moderators: Skye Pie, Flannel…
**If you are interested in becoming a moderator then use our contact form

It is entirely up to the discretion of OGC staff and appointed moderators to interpret and enforce the rules above.  If you feel that you’ve been wronged, whether through the enforcement of these rules or through the violation of these rules then please contact us with the details.  Thanks.

PS – Everyone has been unbanned.  We are starting anew.

Donny Pie

Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.

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