Gem Guides

4800 Gems + 2 Year Residency Deal


Unfortunately, this loophole has been patched and fixed. The prices for residency and gems have risen by nearly 50%. Meaning, yes, you can still save money. But not nearly as much.

There aren’t enough gem discounts or coupons in ourWorld.  But there are ways you can save, still.  It’s possible to purchase 4,800 gems + 2 years of residency for the low cost of $54.99.  Normally, this would cost over $100.00!  Here’s how it works:

  1. Register to
  2. Purchase 10,000 hi5 coins for $54.99
  3. Log into ourWorld through Hi5
  4. Purchase 1 year of residency for 3,500 coins (6,500 leftover)
  5. Purchase 1 year of residency for 3,500 coins (3,000 leftover)
  6. Purchase 600 gems for 1,500 coins (1,500 leftover)
  7. Purchase 600 gems for 1,500 coins (0 leftover)
This is the best gem deal in ourWorld.  Normally, a deal like this would cost around $134.99.  You’re getting it for $54.99.
But hurry, this offer wil be patched in less than 24 hours!

Donny Pie

Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.

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