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News: ourWorld Languages

ourWorld Translate

*boop bzzt* 01100101 1010111 01011 *translate*
Hello humans.  Nevermind my random character output.  I thought I was talking to computers!  bahabahaboop boop!!1!one!!

My function is to notify you of upcoming languages in ourWorld.  Did you know ourWorld is available in English, French, Turkish, Spanish, German, Russian, Polish and Portuguese?  That’s right! And next month it will release for Romanian speaking people too!  And who knows?  Maybe Japanese will be next ;)

Here’s how it works.  Simply go to your account —> settings —> then select your language from the drop down menu.  After you’ve selected your desired language –> refresh ourWorld.

You’ll be placed in a room with people who speak your native language (or non-native, your choice)!  This works because ourWorld has over 30 different servers with some servers dedicated to only 1 language, WOW O_O!

As ourWorld expands then more players will play, meaning more items and cooler places to go!  See ya there! *signing off*

Donny Pie

Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.

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