
Feel free to use our contact form at the bottom of this page to send ourGemCodes an inquiry. For general news, story pitches, product announcements, or funding news — please submit a post using our forms located here.
Sensitive or confidential news
ourGemCodes accepts confidential news tips. We are committed to protecting the identities of our sources. Please use Signal app.
Guest Posts
ourGemCodes accepts guest posts. Please read our guest post guidelines before submitting for consideration.
Other contacts
What is this site and who are these people? Learn more about ourGemCodes.
- For partnership & general business queries
- For any questions regarding membership or store
Republication requests
If you’re interested in republishing an ourGemCodes article, please include the article you’re interested in republishing, along with your website URL and a brief company description. If you get the thumbs up (we’ll send you an email that grants permission), you’ll need to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Publish the article verbatim, without making any changes.
- Include the line “This article originally appeared on ourGemCodes,” with a link to the original article.
- Set the “Canonical URL” attribute for your webpage to the article’s URL on ourGemCodes.
Editorial team by OGC
See our staff members for our staff list. Here are shortcuts to our reporting staff:
- Founder, Admin, General News: Donny Garner
- Reserved.
- Reserved.
- Reserved.
Mailing address
ourGemCodes’s headquarters is in Scottsdale, and a number of staff work remotely. Contact the person you’re trying to reach to get their location before sending anything.
ourGemCodes Scottsdale
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
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