ourWorldOW Secrets
GLITCH: Watch a video over and over again!
Secret Phrase: Gems are not the most important thing in ourWorld. Love is. And fortunately, I love gems.
STEP 1 : Open UltraWall, then click “Videos”
STEP 2 : Watch the video “watsky’s G.O.A.T. speed rap with special guest”

STEP 3 : You don’t have to watch it all. Just 10-20 seconds, until you receive your gem.

STEP 4 : Check your ourWorld mail, and see if you got your gem.

STEP 5 : Just go back and watch it again. ha-ha.

You get 1 gem every time you watch it. And you have to watch it only for 10-20 seconds.
So, if you do this for like an hour – You can about 240 gems.
Watch it now, before it’s fixed!!!
Oh, and credit for the glitch goes to… GeekKat! Thank her. :)