Rare Item Sunday: Magician Hat
*waves wand* Oh hello!
Abracadabra, make the rare item appear!
This week rare item is:
Credit goes to ourworldbuzz.com for the picture.
Magcian Hat is a rare item from Halloween 2008. It has five different colour. The colours are white, red, black,purple, grey. Magician Hat is rarely seen on the marketplace. For females, it has a rough worth of 180-225 million(black), 180-200 million(white), 180-225 million(red), 180-300 million(purple), 180-250 million. For males, Magician Hat has a rough worth of 60-150 million(black), 60-140 million(white), 90-170 million(red), 90-170 million(purple), 90-200 million(grey).
What do you think of Magician Hat?