Ourworld: Filter Free Chat!
Ever wished you could whisper to someone without the constraints of filter?
Day dream no more! If you are a volunteer, over level 70, and have never had your chat banned; you can apply for Admin Chat.
This means no filter when you’re whispering to anyone 13 years or over.
Step One:
Apply to be an ourworld volunteer if you aren’t one yet.
Step Two:
follow this link It’s an ourWorld forum topic.
Step 3:
Log in with your usual oW logins
Step 4:
Post your request!
something like “I would like to get admin chat please” will do

Boom! It is that simple. You’ll get a personal message at your oW inbox when it’s activated. It can take about 1-3 weeks, but it’s worth the wait.
Enjoy admin chat sensibly ;)
Links does not work anymore :[