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Is ourWorld killing their own game? 2Fps gets banned.

Gamer’s Nation is an ourWorld YouTube channel with over 750 subscribers who recently was banned from the game.  The user 2fps, who runs the channel, said he was banned for “sharing links.”  He even posted a video with evidence of a moderator claiming the ban.


Moderators banned an ourWorld content creator for SHARING LINKS?  People share links on their game all the time.  The fact that they’d ban a player who is promoting for their game versus some of their more “toxic/scam” players seems a bit unfair.  Many people share links.  It makes you wonder what kind of links was 2fps sharing?

This isn’t the first time ourWorld moderators have mistreated their power.  Last year, Donny Pie made a tool that allowed players to view the last time someone logged in.  The tool took 36 hours of hard work to complete.  Upon completion, Donny posted about the tool on the official forums where moderators chastised him before locking the thread.  Most games allow for fan-creations to help promote their game and to help their users.  It would seem the ourWorld moderators would rather have their game die than have anyone create anything good for it.

ourWorld should be careful which users they ban from their game.  Pushing content creators away may help destroy the same game their trying so hard to create.

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Donny Pie

Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.


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