Basic Tutorials

Yahoo! IMVironments: ourWorld Condo Game

[Yahoo IMVironments: ourWorld Condo Game]

.:*Want to chat privately without a filter? Well now you can on Yahoo! IMVironments!*:.
All you need is a Yahoo! account and Yahoo! Messenger*:.


—[How to Play ourWorld on Yahoo! IMVironments]—


Follow the simple steps below to play ourWorld on Yahoo! Messenger:

  1. Create a new Yahoo! Account
  2. Download Yahoo! Instant Messenger
  3. Add 1 of your friends from ourWorld to Yahoo! Messenger
  4. Chat with your friend using Yahoo! Messenger
  5. In your chat window, locate “IMVironments” then click “ourWorld Condo Game”
  6. ourWorld will load and you’ll appear in your condo with your friend!
  7. Have fun chatting (without a filter) :P

Create a new ourWorld account through Yahoo!
Receive one of the T-shirts shown below (colors are given at random)

Donny Pie

Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.

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