‘Tis Sunday [Issue 2]
Hey y’all,

Every week, I will publish a follow-up issue of ‘Tis Sunday, an interactive post that allows you viewers to have your say and win mini contests with not-too-attractive prizes.

Did you know… that you can enlarge or reduce the size of your ourWorld screen if it’s too big or small to see? Simply hold CTRL and press + to zoom in or – to zoom out. It helps in taking photos for Contests.
Hold CTRL, Press +
Hold CTRL, Press –

•Layla: Oh.! Snuggle Buddy… I. L?VE. YOU.!
•Magus: Whaa Happened.? Chu Are Never On No More.! : ( Razz Mish Chu.!
•Violet: Go Team.! : D L.O.L.! I Luff Chuu.!
•Abby: I Luff Chu Auntiee.!
•Sunny: My love, Emmilllyyyy.!
•Jimp: Chu dumped us.! : ( We Mish Chu Man.!
•Nath: Whaa Happened To You Too Buddy.? I Miss Your Snuggles.!
•Mia: We Gotta Secret.! Luff Chu.!
•Sally Slash Summer: I Looooove You Girl.!
•Tori: I’m So Glad We Re-Met Again.!
•Mommmeehh: Thanks For Being In My Life, I’m Greatful For You.!
•Kris: I Luff Chu Buddy.! Kisses And Best Wishes.!
•Indiee: I Love You Girrrrlll.! We Need To Hang More.! (RL) CHU ARE MY BIFFLE!
Thanks, All For Being In My Life.!
You are my best buddies. You have always been there for me, since we were all level 20. Thank you for sticking with me in times of trouble and being my friend through good and bad. I love you guys. :]
You Stay Whit Me,
When i have Problems,
You Look At Me,
When I Get Nervous,
You Stay Whit Me,
Nomather What.
I newer Say “Thank You”
For That,
Kamile I Say Thank You For Being The Best Person In My Life ;* :ecstatic:
Don’t know how to thank you,
you were different from most,
whom I viewed,
you tried fighting enemies,
die for your country,
it’s a great soul of yours,
Thank You

Caniteona asked:
“How did you guys had the idea of creating a really great site?”
Well, Last Cookie has lots of fans and viewers, whereas CK OurWorld Guide had all the news, tips and guides that one can ever imagine. So together, the four of us made an EPIC site, with all the awesome updates. I played a part by serving as the middle man that brought us all together.
Im ur BabyGirl asked:
“Have CK Skyelogic kissed a girl?”
His beautiful girlfriend CK LunaLocket of course! I might even get a picture, or not. Teehee.

What is the guy at 3:35 saying?
Submit all answers to ourgemcodes_submit@hotmail.com with your Subject Header as ‘Mini Contest’ by Friday, 17 December 2010. Prizes will be gifted by Hollywood the following week. Good luck!~

So before you reach over and press ‘comment’, do read up on how you can submit your questions, shout-outs and contest answers below.
• For Shout-out column, simply post your messages as a reply to THIS post. I’ll be checking the comments section below and select random shout-out messages to publish in the next issue.
• For Ask The Sky, I’ll only accept questions through forum PM-ing or inbox messaging. Send me a Private Message by clicking here. Alternatively, you can send me an inbox message with the subject ‘Ask The Sky!’.
• For Mini Contest, all participants should email their entry to ourgemcodes_submit@hotmail.com.
Author of ‘Tis Sunday