Hey y’all,

Every week, I will publish a follow-up issue of ‘Tis Sunday, an interactive post that allows you viewers to have your say and win mini contests with not-too-attractive prizes.

Did you know… that if you enter a Contest and get placed in the top 3, you will win a badge? Gold for 1st, Silver for 2nd and Bronze for 3rd. Try it now! I’m aiming for a silver, I have already gotten a Bronze and a Gold, plus some measly coins, of course! :D
Hover mouse over Go
Click Contests

Xx Amy23 xX
Love you guys.. bestest friends anyone could ever have. =D
Oh, and a shout out to all the authors. without you guys, we wouldn’t have this website teehee
PS: GAKUPO! /giggle
Jade and Christine thanks for being family. ;* I might have argued with you Jade, but you’re nice[:
Lauren-Best mommy ever. <33
Zacsky- I love chu mah sweetie! :**
Andy, Alex, Robert, & Robi- You guys are special. Bwhaha. [But not you Alex[:
Holly-~ilysm~ <3333
iLuffLilac- ;]] Good doggie!
Axel, Lola, Zoe, & Carlos- I love all four of you. You been there for me.
Jack & Sin- I love you both so much. <3333333 ;****
We have been friends together
In sunshine and in shade.
~Lee Yuki
– Tamee, ily BEZZIE!
– x3 Roxy x3, Par-tey animal!
– WildShine (Lotte), ily sis :-*
– xxabz17xx BFFL in rl!
– alicea, ily sis :-*
– Xx GothDevil xX, ily Twinie in rl!
– iMoonLight xx, lov ya arty!
– iBlueBerry, Berrys rule :P
I just met you and your da BEST!!!!
Your 10 like me and dont admit your pretty. YOU ARE XDDD!!
Amazing girl :D
You’re my mostest loved one. :’)
You’re my beshhtest fwendd.
And- and- and- even if this is only virtual stuff- I wuv chu.
Our Names mattccchh. :’)
I lub all mii otherr fwends.
But this ones specaiiill
??Chu4Evaahh! ;-*
Hey Violet I made poem for chu! 8-)
Razz is awesome.
Violet is cool.
We barely see each other.
Because of school.
'.~ <–WinkyFaceee?
Paul (my ah-mazing bf): Loveeee Youuuu
Jackman111: ur mai best bro ever :)
Bambie: My wifey and number 1 luver! I love you :D
Sethy: You’re a punk, but Ive known you forever so you diserve props for putting up with me for so long.
Pugy: I miss you. I hope you’re ok up there with your reindeer q_q
And thanks to everyone who handles me nicely even though Im an antisocial jerk nowadays.
~Always yours
Pinkhoneydew ~ Always Wuvv You~Bff since im a level 40 :’]
Winterx3 ~ Bff Eva since im a level 20 :P – Wuvv Chu Tuu
x3Benx3 ~ Best Brotha Evva! ~ Franns Eva Since were Noobs ;’D
Thanks To The Authors That Build This Site~Without it i don’t think i can be a residen~ Byee </3

Siddharth rox asked:
“What is the best way to earn gifts from friends?”
The idea of gifting is to buy something for someone without the intention of receiving anything in return. So I think your question is how do you want to get people to gift you. For that, you have to be nice to people and refrain from begging for gifts. It usually never works, and people might just find you a hindrance. Try being there for a friend, posting shout-outs to him/her, and hearing out his/her problems when in need.
You know what they say, a friend in need is a friend indeed. ;)
Mirina3 asked:
“I am been so confused on how to be a playtest. I am a volunteer, first of all; I followed the steps on http://ourgemcodes.com/2011/01/02/playtesting/ and it didn’t work :( please help me! :(“
Wylde (the forum master) is currently not accepting anymore Playtest-ers. Read this article posted by him on the forums – http://forums.ourworld.com/forums/posts/list/30433.page
oXCxii SweetieXo asked:
“why is there never any new clothes or “clothes updates” on the site? apart from monthly items its alwayse the same things in the actual store e.g blue cow”
That’s because there isn’t an event to release festive clothings. There was the holiday clothings in December, and soon there will be more event clothings come this February. Click here to learn more.
NAAIL asked:
“why are gifts or mystery boxes for gems?? is it because so only then rarely people will get gifts or boxes??”
Because Flowplay, the company of ourWorld, has to earn money to upkeep the game. Therefore, Mystery Boxes are their most creative idea thought-of yet. And so, they decided to price them for Gems so people would spend real life cash to buy them. It’s all a marketing strategy in the world of business.
xXx Glessy xXx asked:
“i was trying to connect my account to my REAL facebook account… but it says it is already connected to another facebook account… I connected it to a FAKE fb account before to get my gems…. but now i forgot the email and password of it…. pls help me.. how can i deactivate it on the old one? pls i really need ur help :(“
You can try sending in a ticket to get it deactivated but you would probably have to provide some form of verifications. This is why it is good to have a separate Facebook account linked to your ourWorld sometimes. You can sort out your personal life from your virtual life and it won’t affect the connection of your accounts.

Open his Brag Bag and scroll all the way down, what is the first item in his brag bag?
Submit all answers to ourgemcodes_submit@hotmail.com with your Subject Header as ‘Mini Contest’ by Friday, 4 February 2011. Prizes will be gifted by Hollywood the following week. Good luck!~
Don’t forget to include your ourWorld name in your contest submission.
Last week’s answer: 4 Dancing Neon Electronic Robots
2 FASTEST: Cheryl Annabella, ALINA 144
2 LUCKIEST: CK LillyLove, Tiny Tay x3
You should have received your prizes (via gift) by Monday, 31 January, 2011.
P.S. The prize for last week’s winner will also be given on Monday, 31 January, 2011. Sorry for the delay!

So before you reach over and press ‘comment’, do read up on how you can submit your questions, shout-outs and contest answers below.
• For Shout-out column, simply post your messages as a reply to THIS post. I’ll be checking the comments section below and select random shout-out messages to publish in the next issue.
• For Ask The Sky, I’ll only accept questions through forum PM-ing or inbox messaging. Send me a Private Message by clicking here. Alternatively, you can send me an inbox message with the subject ‘Ask The Sky!’.
• For Mini Contest, all participants should email their entry to ourgemcodes_submit@hotmail.com.
Author of ‘Tis Sunday